Not really in bed ...
So, a typical breakfast but only for the week-end, when we don't have to hurry. So you can see the cups of coffee, the croissants, the maple sirup, the butter, the Nutella and, of course the baguette !!
Still hungry ?
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16 commentaires:
Great! I love that your photos and commentaries tie up with a song.
There have been some similarities in the French postings today, but I think you're the only one with the maple syrup (so far).
All that bread looks delicious.
No, my apettite is satisfied here - merci!
Looks mighty tasty!
What a lovely breakfast, and the indulgence of having it in bed!
Port Angeles Daily Photo
Lovely shot! And the Nuetella is a wonderful specific to include!
The Nutella, of course - it wouldn't be Paris without Nutella, would it? :)
I like what kerry-anne said, I used to crazy about that Nutella. Nice Shot!
Humph! I can't see your photos in Firefox or Internet Explorer :( But I do love Nutella... sounds wonderful! ~Pittsfield, MA, USA
Nice photos.
I couldn't see the photographs earlier today and still can't see them now on th is computer. So you got nutella and mapple syrup?
Mmmm... no more! A lovely breakfast.
Great photo.
i love nutella!
that's a very very long baguette
I tell everyone who cares to listen that the best breakfast I know of is in France! Nobody makes scrambled eggs and croissants like the French!
Norwich Daily Photo
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