A business building in the 15th arrondissement.
mardi 31 juillet 2007
lundi 30 juillet 2007
"She Turns To Flower" - Salvation Army
dimanche 29 juillet 2007
"Where In The Hell Did You Think You Go With My Toothbrush ?" - Reverend Horton Heat
samedi 28 juillet 2007
"Lady Liberty" - Rancid
We have our Statue of Liberty too !! It's located on the Swan island, in the 15th arrondissement. It was launched the 15th november 1889 by Auguste Bartholdi and it's turned towards New York.
During Paris-Plage, you can play volley-ball or beach-rugby on the square of the city hall, in the 1st arrondissement.
vendredi 27 juillet 2007
"Walkin' Blues" - Robert Johnson
jeudi 26 juillet 2007
"Crawfish" - Elvis Presley
mercredi 25 juillet 2007
"Swan's Splashdown" - Perrey & Kingsley
This sign is located in the corner of the Saint-Denis street & Cygne (= Swan) street in the 1st arrondissement. It's written : "Au Beau Cygne" (= Beautifull Swan's). I think it was the name of a shop wich doesn't exist nowadays. The mosaic is a little bit damaged but it doesn't seem to bother the pigeons who choose to nidificate behind.
mardi 24 juillet 2007
"Summer In The City" - Butthole Surfers
lundi 23 juillet 2007
"Crazy Legs" - (Hed)Pe
dimanche 22 juillet 2007
"Scream !" - Ralph Nielsen & The Chancellors
samedi 21 juillet 2007
"Iris" - John Coltrane
I'm a little bit tired this evening (it was my daughter's birthday today : 4 years old & some kids at home !). Usually, the title of the song illustrates the picture but today, it's for my daughter so I choose this Coltrane's track "Iris" because it's her name & because it's Coltrane (I could have choose "Daughter" by Pearl Jam, "Little Rude Girl" by Lars Fredericksen & The Bastards but a little bit of sweetness isn't that bad).
vendredi 20 juillet 2007
jeudi 19 juillet 2007
"Big Bird" - The Jam
mercredi 18 juillet 2007
"Who Drove The Red Sport Car" - Van Morrison
mardi 17 juillet 2007
"Irish Pub Song" - Flogging Molly
Let me show you an Irish pub (yes, it's really an irish pub !!). I've never seen a pub like this one, with these colors, this architecture (enlarge to see the owl on the top (or it's a barn-owl ? I don't know). Unfortunatly, I don't have been in this pub so I can't tell you more about it. It reminds me the photo of MacDonald's I posted in April.
lundi 16 juillet 2007
"Rainbow Store" - New York Dolls
vendredi 13 juillet 2007
"Doomsday Clock" - The Smashing Pumpkins
This sculpture is in front of the St-Lazare railway station. This is the work of Arman, a french artist who died in 2005. This sculpture is called "L'Heure De Tous" ("Everybody's Hour" may be the translation). You can have more information about his work on his website.
I'll be away for 2 days so I wish you all a good friday 13th & a good week-end !!!
jeudi 12 juillet 2007
"Paths Of Victory" - Cat Power
Today, the Place du Chatelet. In the center of this public square, there is a foutain, La Fontaine du Palmier ("The Palm-Tree Fountain") and a column. This column was erected in 1808 to celebrate the victorys of Napoleon and the sculpture on the top represents the Victory, with the crowns of laurel in each hand. On the shaft of the column, you can see four allegorys : Prudence, Temperance, Justice & Force. (informations founded on Wiki and Paris199.lartnouveau.com)
mercredi 11 juillet 2007
"I'm Not Down" - The Clash
I took this photo while I was waiting for the opening of the cinema to see the movie about Joe Strummer. This is a documentary by Julian Temple ("The Filth & The Fury" about the Sex Pistols) about the life of Joe Strummer, leader of The Clash (the best band ever) and it's vey moving and thrilling. Friends, family talk about him around a camp fire, with some archives. If you're a Clash fan or if you love the rock'n roll, you have to see this documentary !!
mardi 10 juillet 2007
lundi 9 juillet 2007
"You Set The Scene" - Love
No post the last two days : a little break in Normandy (if you want to see some un-touristic pics, go this way).
I've found this little theatre in a passage. It's the "Theatre du Tambour Royal" ("The Royal Drum Theater"). This theatre exist since 1850 and Maurice Chevalier did his first show in 1902 on this scene.
vendredi 6 juillet 2007
"So Weird" - Veruca Salt
jeudi 5 juillet 2007
"You Don't Knock" - The Detroit Cobras
mercredi 4 juillet 2007
"Peggy Sue Got Married" - Lemmy, Slim Jim & Danny B.
mardi 3 juillet 2007
"Andy Warhol" - David Bowie
lundi 2 juillet 2007
"Knock On Wood" - Carla Thomas & Otis Redding
dimanche 1 juillet 2007
"Into The Red" - The Living End
Today it's my 100th POST !!! (it means 100 songs to !!) I thank the persons who visit my blog, who left a comment. Thanks a lot. All I have to say is that one-photo-a-day thing is very addictive !!
The building on this photo is an picture gallery dedicated to the Asian arts (I'm not on the list below, I forgot to register ...).
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